CLSS - Class Section Scheduler

CLSS is the web-based course scheduling process for 体育菠菜大平台. CLSS allows department chairs to plan and update their courses in compliance with institutional scheduling rules that are built into the software.  Departments have access to tools for visualizing class distribution throughout the day, adding courses into valid meeting times and publishing course offerings to MyBLUE. The CLSS process routes new courses and changes to existing course through the approval process by using workflow to alert Deans, E-campus and the Finance Office of changes and additions to the course offerings. 

Access CLSS:

Use your 体育菠菜大平台 Username and password to log into the CLSS system.

Various help videos and other help materials can be found on the CourseLeaf website by selecting the help icon found in the upper right hand corner.

CLSS Instances Logo   clss-2.png

Instructional information specific to 体育菠菜大平台 is available on this site and will be updated regularly.

If you have questions about schedule production or making changes to the existing class schedule, contact the Registrar’s Office at 308-865-8527.